Monday, July 18, 2011

Healing Shannox

Shannox is a fairly straightforward encounter as far as healing goes.  Most of the raid damage is avoidable, with the exception of Rageface.  Ideally, you will want to have at least 1 healer dedicated to each tank, and 1 to heal ragefaces target.  If running a 10 man, the healer on the offtank and Rageface's target will handle the raid healing. 

The healers should be spread out a bit, with the MT healer closer to the front of the room, OT healer closer to the back, and the Rageface healer in the middle.  The tank healers will need to be mindful of the stacks of Jagged Tear on their tank.  The more stacks they have, the higher the healing requirements will be.  Ensure you have these debuffs added to your raid frames if you use custom ones. 

The Rageface healer, will need to watch Ragefaces target, and heal them when they take damage.  The easiest way to handle this is simply to keep Rageface targeted, and follow the target of target.  Or, you could set him to focus as well, and follow the target of focus.  Either way, ensure you have a way of seeing his buffs.  Whenever he gets the buff Face Rage, you will want to use some quick powerful heals on his target until the buff comes off.  A little tip, to help more quickly identify Ragefaces target, he will always aggro to the person that breaks his Face Rage ability.  So, if there are only a few people assigned to Rageface, make sure they are in the same group, to make healing them easier. 

The dps will bring the dogs down to 10% and the boss down to about 35%, at which point they will quickly finish them both off.  Heroism should be popped after they die, and all healers should now switch to healing the main tank as he will now be taking a lot more damage due to Frenzy.  The healers not assigned originally to heal the main tank should position themselves closer to the boss, but preferably to the sides or behind him, as the boss will have to be moved when he casts Hurl Spear.  Having a couple healers already in position to heal if he moves could save an untimely tank death due to getting out of range of the healers.  Cooldowns should be rotated throughout the burn phase to ensure the tank survives the enrage. 

An alternative strategy, is to just assign a tank to Riplimb, and a handful of dps to Rageface to break the Face Rage, and just burn the boss.  This is the strategy we used on heroic, but it does require some good kiting and debuff management by your tanks.  In this strategy, the healing assignments will simply stay static throughout the fight.  Which strategy is easier really depends on the tanking strategy, and overall boss strategy employed by your raid.  (I will go over this strategy in detail in a future post.)

All in all, Shannox is a very simple fight to heal.  So long as the tanks don't let their stacks get too high, and dps/healers avoid the traps.  Hope you found this helpful, and good luck.

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